by DunleaCentre | Jul 24, 2018 | Dunlea Centre News
Mobile phones are increasingly becoming a fundamental component of everyday life. It is at the stage where many people could not imagine even a single day without their phone. Problematic Mobile Phone Use (PMPU) has increased as phones have transitioned from being... by DunleaCentre | Jul 2, 2018 | Dunlea Centre News
[spb_row parallax_video_height=”video-height” parallax_video_overlay=”none” parallax_image_height=”content-height” parallax_image_movement=”fixed” parallax_image_speed=”0.5″... by DunleaCentre | Apr 13, 2018 | Dunlea Centre News
As this term rapidly comes to a close the staff at Dunlea Centre want to congratulate our young people for their consistent effort. Our young people have achieved great results this term and shown incredible determination to succeed. Enjoy the break and we look... by DunleaCentre | Apr 5, 2018 | Dunlea Centre News
We currently have a fixed term position available for a Youth Worker to be a Life Skills Social Educator. The position is for Terms 2, 3 & 4 until December 19, 2018. Click here for a detailed Job Description of the role of Life Skills Social Educator. Applications... by DunleaCentre | Mar 29, 2018 | Dunlea Centre News, Latest Appeals
Residential Care Dunlea Centre, Australia’s Original Boys’ Town provides a comprehensive holistic program for young people and also assists their families to improve relationships with each other and reduce family disruption and discord. One key element of our program...