Pecuniary Bequest
This is a gift of a set dollar amount determined by you at the time of making or changing your Will.

Residuary Bequest
A gift of whatever is left of your estate (or a percentage thereof) after you have made gifts to family and friends. As it is not a specific amount of money, it keeps its value regardless of inflation.

Specific Bequest
A gift of a specific item, such as property or shares.
Making a Bequest
A Will is a legal document and we recommend it should be professionally prepared (or amended) by a solicitor or trustee to ensure your assets Will be distributed according to your wishes.
Below are a few sample statements to be used in your Will when making a bequest. If you are unsure please discuss with your solicitor / trustee.
- I bequeath the sum of ( the amount in numbers and words ) free from all debts, duties and taxes to Boys’ Town Engadine for its General Purposes (or other specified purpose). Or
- I bequeath ( specific property or item details ) free from all debts, duties and taxes to Boys’ Town Engadine for its General Purposes (or other specified purpose). Or
- I bequeath the whole of my estate to Boys’ Town Engadine for its General Purpose (or other specified purpose). Or
- I bequeath the rest and residue of my estate (ie. 25% of the rest and residue of my estate) to Boys’ Town Engadine for its General Purpose (or other specified purpose).
Contact us if you have any queries regarding including Boys’ Town Engadine in your Will, or need assistance in finding a solicitor.