by DunleaCentre | Aug 17, 2016 | Annual Report, School Report 2015
Dunlea Centre is described as ‘a place for change’. Given this claim, it is the responsibility of the Agency to make certain that the young people in attendance do achieve the change they are seeking. Therefore, information is required about how the young people are...
by DunleaCentre | Aug 10, 2016 | Annual Report, School Report 2015
Our program is informed on a theoretical level, by the ‘Preventive’ approach of Don Bosco, and the ‘Circle of Courage’ approach of US psychologist Larry Brendtro. These are summarised in the table and diagram following. Importantly, both these approaches begin with...
by DunleaCentre | Aug 3, 2016 | Donations, School Report 2015
Dunlea Centre would like to express its thanks for the ongoing support it receives from the community. It is only with your continued support that our work can continue. Also many thanks to: Club Engadine RSL, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Coopers Brewery...
by DunleaCentre | Jun 29, 2016 | Annual Report, School Report 2015
In today’s society there are increasing pressures put on families socially, financially and emotionally. Add the pressures and temptations their children are exposed to in society and the media, it makes for a dangerous mix. It can be difficult for parents to know...
by DunleaCentre | Jun 22, 2016 | Donations, School Report 2015, Supporters
We would like to express our gratitude to all our supporters. From donating to a newsletter to participating in an activity, together we can support those who need it. Tribe Social Fitness Thank you to the team at Tribe for their $4,512 donation raised from their...