Make 2017 Great for Sydney families in need.
You can help make 2017 great for Sydney families who need it the most.
By donating to the Dunlea Centre your donations can help make 2017 a great year for Sydney families in need.
Donations help fund our programs that can change a young person and their families life. Dunlea Centre programs are aimed at young people aged from 12 to 16 who are in Years 7 to 10, and targets their welfare, educational, social and life skills needs. Dunlea Centre provides family and individual therapy, academic and life skills education, and residential care for both boys and girls.
Attendance rates at the Dunlea Centre exceed 90%, and after completing the program the average Dunlea student’s reading comprehension improved by 2 years, reading age improved by 4 years and spelling improved 2 years.
The Dunlea Centre empower adolescents and families at risk to change their lives and restore relationships through the provision of quality therapeutic, educational and life skills services.